30 Minutes

30 Minutes

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30 Minutes
  • SWEAT - Enjoy Yourself

    Vinyasa yoga class with ODD flare - awesome music, powerful messages, and thoughtful movement. You will need fitness bands and blocks.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5Dt8xRc9J4DmWocAKycla5?si=iC9SB54dTfW2elniGcgxYw

  • CHILL - Really, Really Chill

    Armen shares a very chill practice focusing on relieving side body & upper back. You will need blankets, a bolster and a block.

  • SCULPT - No Time to Waste!

    Victoria offers a quick sculpt flow class. You will need light/medium weights.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7d45MdELs450BMkiPturqF?si=sDHIiYKRSt-yA_V-sY6avw

  • BASICS - Focus on Alignment

    Niki offers a class on foundations of yoga alignment. This basics class is great for refreshing your base, learning the ropes, or enjoying a more deconstructed approach. You will need blocks.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6hy96V4TI3eujtQwdYwxN1?si=S-TPDfLrTEuOvX5P9I4Gqw

  • CHILL - Shoulder Mobility

    Slow flow. Long warm-up, long cool-down, with just enough effort to get you in the mood to relax. You will need blocks, a strap, and a blanket.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/29OfgqWoO4tXnYiloDIBFO

  • FLOW - Wake Up and Start Your Day

    This is your morning wake up call! Niki offers a 30 minute FLOW linking breath to movement, designed to be energizing for starting your day off right.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/27EcsLZVyEyvh4swlbLD9f?si=0DKn-pONTp6IiPPE3wlu0w

  • CHILL - Be Where You Are

    Caitlin leads a sustainable flow practice, inviting you to find a sense of balance and comfort. You will need a pair of blocks, blanket, and a pillow/bolster.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7xCWZxi5UizgiDnqYleXmW?si=kiLtCklXRSO46sCEECcupQ

  • CHILL - Grounding and Growing

    Joana leads a grounding, chill flow class. You will need blocks.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2ECv3xDGd13buGtpqg1hbY?si=um9NwAezQUuVE3RGttAHzg