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Fuerza para Inversiones

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FIT - BadASS Cardio

HEAT SH*T UP • 24m

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  • Fuerza para Inversiones

    Toda inversion requiere de practica pero sobretodo de estabilidad de la parte central del cuerpo. Esta clase fortalecera los musculos necesarios para tu practica de parado de manos. (Adho Mukha Vrksasana)
    Para seguir trabajando en estos movimientos, tome las otras clases de Sergio!

  • QUICK CARDIO: Kickboxing & Jump Rope

    Nikita will get your heart rate going feeling good! Quick jump rope workout with cardio kickboxing drills. Grab a jump rope of your choice. Shoes are recommended for this workout.


  • BUTT - Big Movement and Booty Burn

    Enjoy a laugh and a butt kicking with Nikita! Lower body strength, cardio, and core training - finish this class feeling length, strength, and release.
    You'll want a fitness band for class.
