

I’ve had a camera in my hand since I was 5, been writing poetry since I was 7, and I am a classically trained singer who doesn’t sing anymore (except in the shower!). I have an awesome son, Jake and, I am married to Joseph, a badass Buddhist chaplain/meditation teacher/romantic. I am a fierce pitbull lover and our dog, Lulu, and feisty cat, Sammy, love to assist during my home practices. I have my 200-hour in Awakened Heart, Embodied Mind training a focus on trauma awareness in yoga. In that same vein, I trained with Street Yoga, Uprising Yoga, and Off the Mat. I am an Embody Love Movement Inner Beauty Shop facilitator, a Yoga and Body Image Coalition community partner, and an Accessible Yoga Ambassador - something I hold dear since being diagnosed with arthritis and fibromyalgia in 2016. Presence is more valuable to me than physical prowess —unfortunately, I had to learn the hard way.

HOMETOWN: Southside Santa Monica aka Dog Town

FAVORITE SONG/ARTIST: Bowie taught me it was ok to be weird; R&B Soul taught me to sing with my heart and soul.

ODD FACT: I put an image of Courtney on the cover of Yoga and Body Image, I have images on the covers of 21st Century Yoga and Yoga PhD and have been published in LA Yoga, Revolver, Yoga Journal Germany, Yoga Journal, Mantra, Origin, Sweat Equity, Lion’s Roar, Shambala, and others.

Check out and my organization!

MY STEEZ: My style of teaching is meditative, goofy at times, always trauma informed vinyasa and Hatha. My goal is to ensure all bodies, all races, ethnicities, ages and ability can safely practice yoga. As my friend and teacher, Jivana Heyman says, “If you have a mind and a body, you can do yoga.” It’s all about cultivating love and compassion and presence.

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  • REFUGE - Yoga For All

    A class for every body, every ability. It is a chill class with a focus on tending to our nervous systems with kind and loving awareness. We sing, we sometimes dance, and we always have a lovely and long savasana. This class is trauma-informed, which means it is invitational and accessible. You w...

  • Somatic Inquiry: Mobilize and Energize (Part III)

    Sarit shares an energizing, enlivening practice to engage your nervous system and mobilize. This is a playful practice, including the Voo and an opportunity to RAWR! Get weird to get grounded!

    Part I:

    Part II: https://ondem...

  • REFUGE - Grounded and Wrist Friendly

    Sarit guides us through a compassionate, mostly hands free, trauma-informed slow flow with no vinyasa. You may want a pair of blocks, a bolster, or a blanket.


  • Somatic Inquiry: Coherent Heart Practice (Part II)

    Sarit shares Heart Math's Quick Coherence practice, embedded with somatic inquiry, in part two of this series. This is a wonderful practice for self soothing and self regulation.

    Part I:

    Part III: https://ondemand.onedowndog...

  • Somatic Inquiry: Grounding and Embodiment (Part I)

    Sarit guides us through a short, guided somatic practice of grounding, orienting, and self regulation in part one of our Somatic Inquiry series.

    Part II:

    Part III:

  • YIN - Embodiment

    A class with long, slow holds, meant to deepen our practice, engage the parasympathetic nervous system and deepen our ability for self care and self awareness. Imbibed with metta (loving kindness) practice, props and the ability to find tune the pose to serve you best. You will need blankets, blo...

  • Tips for Settling the Nervous System

    Sarit shares a favorite technique for settling the nervous system by stimulating our vagus nerve. Get out of fight, flight, and freeze and into a place where you can function.