BACK - Lower Back Love
This is a back CARE class. Niki focuses on lower back and hip pain - with more structure and less flow. Leave feeling empowered! You will need a blanket and a block.
Up Next in SLOW DOWN
Cool Nikita's Quick Cool Down
Cool down! Whether it's from a FIT class, a bike ride, a gym sesh, or whatever! A series of stretches for the full body.
Somatic Inquiry: Mobilize and Energiz...
Sarit shares an energizing, enlivening practice to engage your nervous system and mobilize. This is a playful practice, including the Voo and an opportunity to RAWR! Get weird to get grounded!
Part I:
Part II: https://ondem...
YIN - Be Present
Hallie says, get all your props for this Yin class! We hold poses longer to get past muscles and get into fascia where we hold stress and tension. Great options to work on flexibility, or stability if you are already a flexi-person! You will need blocks, blankets, bolsters or pillows.
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