

One Down Dog is my family and foundation. It was the first studio I felt like I found a real yoga practice and a sense of community. Yoga has become more than just making cool shapes with my body (even though that can be really fun!) but a metaphor for my life and the value of practice and discipline and showing up for your whole self: That is empowering. I teach to share this with others. I see myself as a lifelong student of yoga. As my practice deepens, my teaching deepens. I received my 200 Hour certification called "Awakened Heart, Embodied Mind" a trauma-informed training with an emphasis on neuroscience, inclusive language, use of props to give your body feedback as to where you are in space, and modifications for all-bodies, all-levels.

HOMETOWN: suburbs of Detroit.

FAVORITE SONG/ARTIST: Anything rhythmic that makes you want to move. Think the dancey, hip-hop, indie stuff on KCRW. I pepper in old favorites and jams. I like to dance in between flowing, and give you space to do so too. All my playlists are public on Spotify.

ODD FACT: Jessica, the studio owner and I grew up in the same area and have a ton of mutual friends on Facebook. We didn't know this until I had been practicing at the studio for a while.

MY STEEZ: I teach a balanced, steady, and strong Flow with an emphasis on stability. I offer progressions for poses so that you can grow your practice. We repeat certain aspects of the practice for a few weeks in a row so that you can build on it and gain a deeper understanding of your body moving in space! My Chill classes are gentle, deep and will usually include a longer cool down. Expect some mindfulness practice, pranayama, lots of core work, curiosity, playfulness and dare I say, fun?!

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  • Full Moon Flow

    The Full Moon is a time to release and recieve - the cycle of the moon completes at the full moon and starts again - so the full moon is a time for expansion. Allow yourself to "let go".


  • Full Moon Journal Practice

    Natalie offers a journaling practice that you can try during the Full Moon cycle, with a focus on letting go and forgiveness as a process. You will need paper or a journal, a pen, and a comfortable place to sit.

  • FLOW - New Moon Intentions

    Natalie shares a flow you can practice around the new moon cycle, or anytime you're wanting to unwind and come back to yourself. You will need a pair of blocks and a blanket.

  • JOURNAL - New Moon Intentions

    Natalie offers a journaling practice that you can try during the New Moon cycle, with a focus on setting new intentions. You will need paper or a journal, a pen, and a comfortable place to sit.

    New Moon Flow:

  • CHILL - Practice Feeling Good

    Natalie leads us a short chill class, inviting you to follow your breath, and practice feeling good. You will need blocks, a bolster, and a blanket.


  • FLOW - Finding Your Center

    Natalie offers a quick full body flow practice inviting you to find your center. You will need a pair of blocks.


  • FLOW - Full Body Ladder

    Natalie focuses on transitions with a full body flow including balance poses like half moon & revolved half moon. You will need a pair of blocks.


  • MEDITATE - Anchoring in Body and Breath

    Natalie focuses on Beginners Mind & establishing a core meditation practice with awareness of body and breath.

  • CORE - Building Awareness

    Natalie offers a CORE-centric mat pilates based class that will strengthen and mobilize your spine to it’s largest pain-free range of motion. You will need a block.
