

The best of prenatal and postnatal! For those expecting, we will improve circulation, ease digestion, maintain a healthy spine, strengthen your uterus and pelvic muscles, and feel at ease throughout your pregnancy. For those post-pregnancy, we will learn exercises to facilitate healing and connection to the muscles in the core and pelvic floor, as well as address many of the common aches and pains that come from taking care of a tiny human all day (and night!).

For all stages of pregnancy and post-pregnancy. Reconnect to your body, your breath, yourself, and find community.

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  • Tips for Pregnancy Vinyasas

    Learn a few different pregnancy friendly variations for vinyasas and ways you can tailor the practice of sun salutations to feel good in your changing body.

  • MASSAGE - Full Body Deep Release

    Kim shares a short and efficient self massage practice targeting many of the common hot spots throughout the body. You will need a pair of yoga therapy balls (note: you can also substitute with tennis balls and a long sock), a wall, and a pair of blocks.


  • PRENATAL - Slow Down to Make Space

    Pregnancy is full of rapid change, intense emotions, and sometimes stress and anxiety. The aim of this practice is to slow down the body and mind with intentional breath and movement — remember, slow doesn't mean it will be easy! Create space physically to accommodate a growing baby, as well as m...

  • PERINATAL - Flow Movement and Meditation

    Esté offers a dynamic flow and meditation practice. The intention for this class is to relax and create space in gestational and postpartum bodies. You will need blocks, a blanket or a meditation cushion.


  • Short - Prenatal Express Core

    Cerrissa shares a quick core-centric flow for pregnant bodies. You can add this workout on top of your other activities or practice it as a short class for your busy day and changing body.

  • SWEAT - Move Through Stress

    Cerrissa leads a quick 30 minute, cardio-focused SWEAT culminating in Warrior 3.


  • PERINATAL - Creating Pelvic Stability

    Kim leads a flow that focuses on building strength in the pelvis (good for pre-birth or post-pregnancy). You will need a yoga block.


  • POSTNATAL - Coming Back to You

    Kim leads a postnatal practice focusing on coming back to self. You will need a set of blocks and a bolster.


  • FAMILY - Flowing With The Fam

    Kim and River lead us through a playful and fun flow parents can try with their toddlers! You will need a pair of blocks, pillows, and blankets or scarves.

  • Strengthening Pelvic Floor

    Kim offers tips for creating stability, balance, and connection within the pelvic floor. This is great for ANYONE - not just bodies who have been or will be pregnant.

  • FIT - Prenatal HIIT

    Cerrissa shares a full body, pregnancy safe HIIT class for our prenatal community. You may use a light/medium set of weights, but they are not required.


  • PRENATAL - Finding Strength

    Joana leads a prenatal flow class inviting you to find strength in your body. You will need a pair of blocks.
