Vata Balancing

Vata Balancing

Vata is ruled by air and ether. Think pulling ideas out of thin air, spacey, waspy, deserts with big sky. 2-6 AM and PM is Vata time, a time for thinking, and processing. Fall and winter is Vata season. The dry crispy time of the year where things crumble away and the air gets cold and thin. Vata season and Vata constitution can leave us feeling really anxious, scatter brained, or stressed if we aren't mindful. It's usually the FIRST dosha to go out of balance and a great place to start if you're feeling out of sorts.
It's up to us to bring grounding and heat into the season, into our early mornings and evenings. Wake up early and go to bed early. Slow down, grab a weighted blanket, with a hot cup of ginger tea. Vata is perfect for YIN, FLOW, CHILL, and BUTT & strength classes with weights just make sure to stay grounded and not move too fast!

Vata Balancing
  • YIN - For An Active Lifestyle

    Bobbi offers a yin inspired class for runners, hikers, or anyone with an active lifestyle, where we will work on stretching and stabilizing the body. You will need a set of yoga blocks.


  • FIT - Lower Body Stabilizers

    Cerrissa focuses on lower body & glutes in this grounding, stabilizing class. You will need a resistance band.


  • Building A Bridge Basics

    Grow slowly to bridge pose, a common pose in classes. Yoga means to yolk, to connect, to build bridges in our lives on and off the mat.

    Props: 2 blocks and a blanket
    Spotify link:

  • CORE - Explore Your Core

    In this practice, connect and establish the fire in the core of your being. Great for starting to explore core work and pilates. You will need a pair of blocks and a small towel for sliding.

  • FLOW - Exploring Folds

    Katherine offers a folding flow practice to give your joints some love. You will need blocks, blanket and a bolster.

  • Slow Flow with Bobbi

    This class breaks down the basics and moves slow so you can build confiedence. Return to a home practice or get to know things you'll see a lot in class. It's a slower moving introduction to "Flow" and "Chill" styles of yoga. We build up to sun salutes and a standing flow sequence.

    Props: Block...

  • BUTT - Slow Strength

    Lots of mat work and squats. Working on booty strength, engaging core and supporting our back! Warm up with yogic stretches and then we move into two fitness blocks.
    1st a block using the resistance band or body weight.
    2nd block using dumb bells or body weight.
    Ends with a cool down stretch.


  • Strengthening Pelvic Floor

    Kim offers tips for creating stability, balance, and connection within the pelvic floor. This is great for ANYONE - not just bodies who have been or will be pregnant.

  • FOAM ROLLING - S(quad) Roll Out

    Let's spend some time on the legs today with the SOFT foam roller.

    Playlist: choose your own :)

  • Root Chakra Meditation with Courtney

    This grounding meditation can be done seated, laying down, or however you feel most supported. A focus on the Root Chakra.


  • REFUGE - Yoga For All

    A class for every body, every ability. It is a chill class with a focus on tending to our nervous systems with kind and loving awareness. We sing, we sometimes dance, and we always have a lovely and long savasana. This class is trauma-informed, which means it is invitational and accessible. You w...

  • MEDITATE - Sit with Armen

    You can sit or lay down for this Metta meditation. Armen is very specific, great for new meditators or those wanting more guidance.

  • CHILL - As We Transition

    Change isnt always chill! As we explore transitions we ride that edge of accessible heat and movement.

    2 blocks, blanket

  • Strength With Your Stretch

    What if stretching isn't always the answer for your pain? Your shoulders might be hurting because of hunching and over stretching! Build some strength. Less flowing, and super accessible - yet strength building for your low back and shoulders


  • FIT - Lower Body Abs & Glutes

    Este offers a high intensity session focusing on abs & glutes. You will need blocks, light/medium weights, and a resistance band.


  • Intro To Core

    Bobbi provides tips on how to find balance from core activation and using the deep front line (fascial anatomy). You may need a pair of blocks and optional blanket.

  • YIN - Embodiment

    A class with long, slow holds, meant to deepen our practice, engage the parasympathetic nervous system and deepen our ability for self care and self awareness. Imbibed with metta (loving kindness) practice, props and the ability to find tune the pose to serve you best. You will need blankets, blo...

  • CHILL - Grounding and Growing

    Joana leads a grounding, chill flow class. You will need blocks.


  • PERINATAL - Creating Pelvic Stability

    Kim leads a flow that focuses on building strength in the pelvis (good for pre-birth or post-pregnancy). You will need a yoga block.


  • Well Rounded FLOW

    This 60 minute flow encompasses Jack's favorite go to poses and flows that will leave your body feeling refreshed and renewed. We make an effort to hit every corner of the body in this class. In the beginning we will connect with the breath, eventually working up a sweat, and finally winding down...

  • Somatic Inquiry: Grounding and Embodiment (Part I)

    Sarit guides us through a short, guided somatic practice of grounding, orienting, and self regulation in part one of our Somatic Inquiry series.

    Part II:

    Part III:

  • CORE - Deep Obliques

    Victoria leads us through a 45 minute core-centric practice, focusing on connection to the obliques with lots of twists. You will need a pair of light weights and optional blanket.


  • FLOW - Going Inward

    In this practice, we're exploring what it feels like to go inward with intention. Variations of forward folding and heart-opening. Play with how those two ideas work together on our mats and philosophically.

    Props: 2 blocks, strap, blanket optional


  • YIN - Be Present

    Hallie says, get all your props for this Yin class! We hold poses longer to get past muscles and get into fascia where we hold stress and tension. Great options to work on flexibility, or stability if you are already a flexi-person! You will need blocks, blankets, bolsters or pillows.

    Playlist: ...