

Meditation is like giving yourself a hand lifting heavy mental baggage. You've got your body in check, now dive inside to help calm and clear your mind. Yoga is a practice for the mind, through the body. Dive deeper into your practice, past the asana, and discover what happens when we turn the mind inward. Join us in guided meditation and check in with yourself. Become aware of, and find acceptance for, your thoughts, feelings, sensations and body, utilizing tools you can take with you off the mat. Tune in, MEDITATE and feed your mind.

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  • MEDITATE - Sit with Armen

    You can sit or lay down for this Metta meditation. Armen is very specific, great for new meditators or those wanting more guidance.

  • Root Chakra Meditation with Courtney

    This grounding meditation can be done seated, laying down, or however you feel most supported. A focus on the Root Chakra.


  • Yoga Sutra Study - YAMAS - Aparigraha (5 of 5)

    How can we bring yoga off the mat?
    Courtney shares techniques for incorporating yoga into our lifestyle — focusing on the fifth yama. This practice focuses on Aparigraha, a practice in not grasping too tightly to outcomes, to material things, and more.

  • Somatic Inquiry: Coherent Heart Practice (Part II)

    Sarit shares Heart Math's Quick Coherence practice, embedded with somatic inquiry, in part two of this series. This is a wonderful practice for self soothing and self regulation.

    Part I:

    Part III: https://ondemand.onedowndog...

  • Somatic Inquiry: Grounding and Embodiment (Part I)

    Sarit guides us through a short, guided somatic practice of grounding, orienting, and self regulation in part one of our Somatic Inquiry series.

    Part II:

    Part III:

  • Somatic Inquiry: Mobilize and Energize (Part III)

    Sarit shares an energizing, enlivening practice to engage your nervous system and mobilize. This is a playful practice, including the Voo and an opportunity to RAWR! Get weird to get grounded!

    Part I:

    Part II: https://ondem...

  • MEDITATE - Grounding Practice

    Hallie leads a short practice to help you ground. Let's take a seat, focus on our breath and work on mindfulness.


  • MEDITATE - Just Breathe

    Hallie invites you to take a seat, focus on your breath and work on mindfulness.


  • MEDITATE - I Love You, Keep Going!

    Caitlin offers a short mantra meditation that you can practice anywhere throughout your day. We love you, keep going!

  • MEDITATE - Air Meditation

    Part of Nadia's alchemy meditation series, focusing on the element of air.

  • MEDITATE - Pure Light

    Courtney focuses in on the breath and pure light in this 20 minute meditation session.


  • MEDITATE - Take a Break From Your Day

    Bobbi leads us through a grounding 10 minute meditation practice. Take a break from your day!


  • MEDITATE - Anchoring in Body and Breath

    Natalie focuses on Beginners Mind & establishing a core meditation practice with awareness of body and breath.

  • MEDITATE - Feeling Your Breath

    Kim leads us through a simple meditation practice focusing on the breath.

  • MEDITATE - Water Meditation

    Part of Nadia's alchemical meditation series, focusing on the element of water.

  • MEDITATE - Earth Meditation

    Part of Nadia's alchemy meditation series, focusing on the element of earth.